DAMOS asbl
2732, Luxembourg
Our mission
DAMOS asbl is a non-profit association that seeks to strengthen the associative movement and the voluntary movement as a motor and voice of civil society. It uses digital solutions created by the Belgian company Give a Day, a cooperative with a social purpose, which has the same mission and the same objectives. The mission is to promote civic engagement by bringing together all actors of society via a digital platform and other digital solutions around nonprofit organizations and volunteering work. DAMOS asbl wishes to motivate all stakeholders in society, to spread solidarity through volunteering and solve social and ecological challenges through local ecosystems of impact. The objective is to use current technologies and digital technology to develop new forms of mutual aid and solidarity, to promote encounters between those who want to act and associations and to convey the importance of the 2030 agenda of the United Nations in the fight against socio-economic challenges. - Offer free and affordable digital marketing solutions for all associations, allowing them to reach and interact with all stakeholders in society asking for help and support and allowing them to sell their products and promote their noble cause. - To involve all the actors of society in volunteering. This way we seek to reinstate values of cooperation and mutual respect, into a world in which “everything is monetized”. The organization seeks to connect, involve and inspire all stakeholders in society to meet social and ecological challenges together, thanks to integrated technology around volunteering and associations.
Our location
2732, Luxembourg