Asexual vzw
9000, Gent
Our mission
Asexual vzw heeft tot doel het behartigen van belangen en het welzijnvan aseksuelen in België, het ijveren van gelijke rechten en kansen vooraseksuelen & het verzamelen en verspreiden van informatie overaseksualiteit.
Our location
Martelaarslaan Enkel mail
9000, Gent
9000, Gent
Website and social media
E-mail verified
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
New volunteer opportunity
Welcome at De Vooruitdaging
Account created on 6 Mar 2020
Themes and Impacts
Our themes
Our skills
Organization has not set up any skills yet